“Individual life insurance ownership is at its lowest point in 50 years, even though 40% of survey respondents said they’d immediately have trouble meeting their basic living expenses if a primary wage earner in their households passed away.”

The Custom Plus Advantage only available at Liberty Financial Group

You are entitled to life insurance that answers your needs and the people dependent on you. That’s why at Liberty Financial Group we offer a custom-tailored approach to each and every client.

This is a different approach than the big name insurance firms which only offer their “brand” insurance. They may offer various flavors – but it almost always is some form of their brand insurance policy.


1) Some may be too big to use a truly custom-tailored approach.

2) Selling their brand suits their business model

3) They have too much invested in their brand to offer competing brands.

So while their insurance may fit many people, it may not fit you.

How do we know this?

Our executive team comes from the biggest insurance firms. AIG, Met Life and others. We know from the inside how they work. And one of the main reasons we formed an independent firm is to offer the kind of custom approach missing from the big firms.

Our custom approach

We listen carefully to your needs and ask the right questions and listen very carefully to you. We do not read off a pitch sheet as so many others do. Since every situation is unique, we have a genuine, open conversation with you to get a better understanding of your circumstance.

Protecting the people you love is too important to pigeonhole into one brand. Instead we look at the best life insurance options for your needs and circumstances. We have the capability to represent a wide range of different insurance carriers and guide you in selecting the right one for you.

How we differ from online “quote” services

Over the past few years, online life insurance quote services have sprung up. Plug in some information online and their computers go searching for quotes from different carriers.

What’s wrong with that?

The fact is, there’s usually more to it than that – more to your insurance needs than fits into an online form.  And your main communication person with these plug and play online services may be an inexperienced liaison.

At Liberty Financial Group we bring long standing experience and insight along with the options we give you. That’s why we call it the Custom Plus Advantage. In addition to a customized approach, you benefit from our industry experience and expert advice we are able to deliver.

Some of the main types of life insurance we offer:

Term Life Insurance

The simplest and most inexpensive form of life insurance. Covers you for a specified period of time. Provides peace of mind at a low price.

Guaranteed Universal Life *

In a period of economic turbulence it’s not surprising that Guaranteed Universal Life insurance has become so popular. These flexible policies offer you the opportunity to lock in a guaranteed death benefit and premium for as long as needed.

Whole Life

Offers a number of very attractive benefits, including guaranteed coverage, ability to accumulate cash value, and fixed premiums guaranteed not to rise during your lifetime.

Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance

Finding it difficult to get life insurance? Then Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance may be right for you. It’s a life insurance policy that’s guaranteed to anyone –regardless of health conditions.  Because it is open to anyone, premiums are higher than other policies and the benefit payout is different. If Guaranteed Life Insurance is the right option for you, we’ll show you how to make it work for you.

Whatever your life insurance needs, call or write us today to set up an appointment. There’s no obligation. See for yourself how Liberty Financial Group’s Custom Plus Advantage can better serve the life insurance needs of you and your family,  call 866-278-0280.

* Guarantee is based on the claims paying ability of the insurance company.