Looking After Yourself and Your Family During the COVID-19 Pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed life as we know it. With all of the tragic news, worries about economic concerns and our loved ones’ health, it’s easy to become overwhelmed. Here are some guidelines for looking after your and your family’s physical and mental health during this difficult time.
Physical Health Tips
Maintaining your physical health during the pandemic is critical — yet it’s challenging. Gyms and other exercise facilities are closed, and it’s not always easy to find the space to exercise. On top of that, food shortages and long lines at the grocery store mean that getting a healthy, balanced diet requires more effort than usual. The following tips can help:
- Adhere to the authorities’ guidelines regarding coronavirus safety. Follow social distancing guidelines, wear a mask when you’re in situations where you can’t maintain six feet distance between yourself and others, and wash your hands frequently.
- Drink plenty of water.
- Eat a nutritious, varied diet.
- Exercise on a daily basis. Use the internet to find workouts you can do indoors or outdoors.
- Take deep breaths.
- Stretch to counteract muscle tension stemming from stress and being sedentary.
- Get seven or eight hours of sleep each night.
- Avoid destructive behaviors, as the Mayo Clinic advises. Refrain from abusing drugs or alcohol, gambling excessively or ignoring public health recommendations.
Mental Health Tips
Social distancing, working from home — or not working at all — and trying to adapt to the new normal are all very stressful. Unfortunately, many things that normally allow us to blow off steam and relax simply aren’t possible right now. Nevertheless, it’s still essential to take care of your mental health. Keep these pointers in mind:
- Acknowledge your feelings. It’s perfectly normal and acceptable to feel stressed, worried or sad — especially under the current conditions.
- Set a daily routine that works for now.
- If you’re telecommuting, set boundaries around the time and space you dedicate to work. This will make it easier to maintain a good work-life balance.
- Don’t focus on things you can’t control.
- Limit your exposure to news. Try to get your news from reliable, non-sensational sources.
- Leverage technology to maintain your social connections. Use social media and teleconferencing to connect with your loved ones and friends.
- Acknowledge the good things in your life, as Harvard Health Publishing advises.
- Find a way to do good in your community. Try donating money, food or personal protective equipment. You can also organize teleconferences with seniors in your neighborhood who might be suffering from depression or loneliness.
- Keep your mind occupied. Try reading a book, coloring, doing puzzles or learning a new hobby.
- Take comfort in your faith or personal beliefs.
We Are Here for You
With so many frightening stories in the news, it’s natural if you want to make sure you have all of your affairs in order. If you’d like to discuss your situation and your life insurance options with an independent broker, please contact our offices and speak with one of our agents. As always, we’re here for you with independent, objective advice.