Getting Life Insurance After a Heart Attack
Suffering a heart attack is a traumatic event that can change your outlook on life. Survivors report appreciating life more; wanting to live life to the fullest; and deciding to adjust their lifestyles to become healthier and less stressed.
At the same time, a heart attack can suddenly make you aware of the fact that you need to take care of your loved ones if you suffer another coronary event—one you don’t survive. But can you still get life insurance, and if so, how do insurers evaluate you?
Why Insurers Will Consider Heart Patients
Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, responsible for one in six deaths. However, it’s important to understand that the severity of heart disease varies widely. Though there are many people who suffer from severe conditions and need ongoing medical attention, there’s also a large group of people who have one coronary event in middle age and then go on to live another thirty years without any reoccurrence. And that’s precisely why insurers will consider heart patients; because those whose conditions improve are a lower risk than those whose conditions stay stable or worsen.
Risk Factors
Insurers are more likely to refuse insurance or assign a higher rating according to how many risk factors apply to you. These risk factors include:
- A family history of heart disease
- Coronary event at a young age
- Obesity
- Diabetes
- Continuous chest pain or angina
- Untreated hypertension or cardiovascular disease
- Uncontrolled renal disease
- Arrhythmia
- Progressive coronary artery disease
- Changes in electrocardiogram results
What You Can Do
Even if you have one or more of these risk factors, there are still things that you can do to improve your rating. First of all, you need to be patient. Many insurers will consider you after 12 to 24 months of good health, at which point they’ll require medical proof that your heart condition is under control.
Second, you can make lifestyle changes that can help prevent future heart attacks. Stop using any tobacco products, including chewing tobacco. Start an exercise routine that involves 20 to 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise a day, and work towards a healthy weight.
Finally, address the stress in your life by practicing mindfulness and stress reduction techniques such as meditation and yoga.
Finding the Right Insurer
And remember: you don’t have to do any of this alone. Your primary care physician can advise you on appropriate programs that can support you as you make these changes.
It’s important to understand that insurers all have varying criteria when it comes to qualifying for life insurance with a heart condition. That means that finding the right insurer might take some time.
This is precisely where the team of experts at Liberty Financial Group can help. We’ll work with you to compare insurers and find one that offers you the policy you need. And don’t worry: we’re always here to address any concerns and answer any questions you might have.