Can I get Life Insurance if I Travel to Dangerous Locations

Can I Get Life Insurance If I Travel to Dangerous Locations?

When you purchase life insurance, it’s important to know that life insurance companies consider how often you travel internationally and the destinations you travel to during the underwriting process.

Foreign Travel

For life insurance purposes, foreign travel is generally defined as travel for business, pleasure, or family purposes outside of the U.S. for up to three months per year. If you travel overseas for more than three months per year, it’s considered non-U.S. residence or foreign residence.

Travel Factors Life Insurers Consider

Conditions in other countries may be riskier than in the U.S. for a variety of reasons. Life insurance companies consider:

  • Travel advisories: The U.S. government issues travel advisories regarding countries where U.S. citizens could be at risk.
  • Geopolitical unrest: Civil war and war.
  • Economic conditions: Do the country’s poverty rates put U.S. citizens at risk of kidnapping?
  • Crime rate: Is there a high rate of violent crime?
  • Disease: Are there high rates of disease?
  • Availability of quality healthcare: Is quality healthcare readily available and affordable?

Life insurance companies also consider how frequently you travel and how long your trips last.

States That Prohibit Insurers From Considering Travel

In some states, life insurance companies aren’t permitted by law to consider lawful travel when underwriting a life insurance policy. Georgia and Florida don’t allow current lawful travel to be considered. California, Colorado, Connecticut, Illinois, Massachusetts, Maryland, New York, Washington, and Oklahoma don’t permit life insurance companies to consider previous lawful travel.

Get Support From an Independent Life Insurance Brokerage

Each life insurance company has different guidelines for underwriting life insurance policies for people who travel. Contact us for independent, knowledgeable support from our agents, who can help you evaluate the different offerings, complete your application, and select the policy that works best for your situation.